
Remote Commands
GB1400 User Manual C-15
Reset. This command causes the instrument to return to its factory default settings and
to enter a known operation state. Specifically *rst does the following:
q puts the instrument into the Operation Complete Command Idle State.
q puts the instrument into the Operation Complete Query Idle State.
q returns most setup parameters to their factory default settings
(Appendix B).
However *rst does not impact any of the following:
q the setup of the RS-232 or GPIB ports.
q GPIB address.
q calibration data.
q the Standard Event Status Register (SESR).
q the Event Status Enable Register (ESER).
q the power-on status clear flag setting.
q stored frequencies or words.
Min. Abbr. *rst
Example *rst
*sre [n]
Service Request Enable. This command sets the Service Request Enable
(SRER) to the bit sequence corresponding to n, where n is a decimal number in the range
0 to 255.
Min. Abbr. *sre
Argument n: 0 to 255 decimal
Example *sre 48
(sets SRER to 00110000 binary)