Remote Commands
GB1400 User Manual C-31
Arguments on: EOL terminator added to end of prompt (OAH)
off: no terminator added to prompt.
Example rs_pmt_lf on
RS-232C Prompt Line Feed Query. Returns a character string indicating whether
RS-232C prompt line feed (OAH) is enabled (on) or disabled (off).
Min. Abbr. rs_pm
Returns [on|off]
Example rs_pmt_lf?
rs_prompt [s]
RS-232C Prompt. This command sets the prompt on the RS-232C port to the character
string contained in the quoted string s. This string will appear at the start of each new line
on a terminal display. Maximum length is 8 characters.
Min. Abbr. rs_pr
Arguments s: <qstring>, a character string inside double quotes
Example rs_prompt "GB-1400 >" (command)
will change the prompt to: GB1400>
รพ NOTE: This command may be issued with a null string ("") argument to disable the RS-
232C prompt.
rs_xon_xoff [on|off]
RS-232C XON/XOFF. This command enables or disables XON/XOFF flow control on
the RS-232C port.
Min. Abbr. rs_x
Arguments on: enables XON/XOFF flow control
off: disables XON/XOFF flow control
Example rs_xon_xoff on