Remote Commands
C-56 GB1400 User Manual
Totalize Error Query. Returns the number of bit errors counted so far in the current
Totalize measurement interval. The Totalize error count is zeroed at the start of each
new Totalize measurement interval, that is at power-up and after a error reset.
Min. Abbr. total_e?
Returns <NR1>
Example total_error? (command)
TOTAL_ERROR 20984 (response)
Totalize (Bit Error) Rate Query. Returns the bit error rate (BER) calculated so far in
the current Totalize measurement interval. Totalize BER equals the Totalize bit error
count divided by the Totalize bit count. The number will reset at power-up and on error
Min. Abbr. total_r?
Returns <NR3>
Example total_rate? (command)
TOTAL_RATE 8.62E-6 (response)
Totalize Time Query. Returns a quoted string indicating the amount of time
accumulated in the current Totalize measurement interval. Totalize time is zeroed at the
start of each new Totalize measurement interval, that is at power-up and after each error
Min. Abbr. total_t?
Returns <qstring>, in the format "ddd-hh:mm:ss" where ddd = days,
hh = hours (00 ... 23), mm = minutes (00 ... 59), ss = seconds (00
... 59)
Example total_time? (command)
"000-12:34:56" (response)