Remote Commands
GB1400 User Manual C-101
Edit Control Query. This command returns a character string that indicates whether or
not a long-word (1 MB Option) editing session is in progress and if that session is under
local or remote control.
Min. Abbr. edit_c
Returns [local|remote|none], where:
local: indicates a long-word editing session is in
progress under local (front panel) control
remote: indicates a long-word editing session is in
progress under remote (RS-232C or GPIB)
none: indicates that there is no long-word editing
session in progress
Example edit_cntrl? (command)
EDIT_CNTRL NONE (response)
edit_end [n]
Edit End. You must issue this command to finish a 1 MB word editing session. This
command either moves the edited pattern from scratchpad memory to the current word
location, or saves the edited pattern into one of the instruments eight word memory
locations. You can also use this command to discard the edit pattern.
Min. Abbr. edit_e
Arguments n <NR1>, a decimal number in the range -2 to 9, where -2 discards
the edited pattern, -1 copies the edited pattern to the current
word location, and 0 through 9 saves the edited pattern to the
indicated memory location.
-1 only (1M and 512K modes)
-2 to 2 (256K mode)
-2 to 5 (128K mode)
-2 to 9 (64K mode)
Example edit_end -1