Acquiring Waveforms
CSA8000B & TDS8000B User Manual
Use the procedure that follows to set up the instrument to acquire in FrameScan
Overview To acquire in FrameScan mode Control elements and resources
Prerequisites 1. The instrument must have an appropriate sampling
module in place before powering on the instrument.
Instrument must be powered up.
2. The signal to be scanned must be input to a channel
and an appropriate external framing signal must be
applied to t he tri gger input .
3. The acquisiti on mode must be set to Sample or
Average. Envelope cannot be used with FrameScan
4. The v ert ical and horizontal controls and triggering must
be set to acqui re the signal.
H See sampling-module user manualsfor
sampling moduleinstallation.
H See page3--24 foracquisition setupand
page 3--48 fortrigger setupin this manual.
Access the
5. From the application menu bar, select Setup, and then
select Horizontal. See right.
Set the frame
6. In the Horz Setup dialog box, click the Units Bits option
7. Enter the total num ber of bit s you wish to scan (the
frame duration) in the Scan Bits box. You must always
set this parameter manually.
Tip. You can set Units to Seconds if you prefer, but
Bits usually makes the set up and use of FrameScan
acquisition easier.
Enter bitsto be scanned
Check for bits units
To Acquire in
FrameScan Mode