Data Input and Output
CSA8000B & TDS8000B User Manual
Use the procedure that follows to recall a waveform to a reference. You can only
recall waveforms into references.
NOTE. Reference waveforms do not recall because they are already instrument
resident. You can copy a reference waveform to another reference: first display
the reference to be copied, and then use the Save Waveform procedure to save it
to another reference (R1-R8).
Overview To recall a waveform Control elements & resources
Prerequisites 1. The instrument must have appropriate sampling
modules in pl ace before powering on the instrument.
Instrument must be powered up.
H See Sampling Modul e User Manuals for
sampling module installation.
H See Power On Instrument on page 1--13.
Display the Re-
call Waveform
dialog box
2. From the application menu bar, select File, and then
select Recall Waveform. (See illustration at right.)
The Recall Wavef orm dialog box allows navigation to
directories, lists waveform files in the directory, and
provides for selection of a waveform file. Comments for
selected files appear in the comment box. (See below.)
To Recall Your Waveform