
Data Input and Output
CSA8000B & TDS8000B User Manual
Overview Control el ements & resourcesTo save a waveform (cont.)
Select a
4. Navigat e to the directory in which to store your
waveform. You can:
H Save to a reference: Click to check Reference, and
then use the pulldown list to select any reference
(R1-R8). You can save to empty references or save
over existing references. Ski p t o step 8 to finish.
H Save to a file: Click to check File(s) and continue
with step 5 that follows.
Select your
waveform(s) to
5. Select one or m ore waveform to save:
H Click a waveform in the tree view (see right). Note
that only di s played t imebases and t heir waveforms
H Extend your selection, if desi red, by holdi ng down
the control key and cl icking additional wavef orms,
H Select all waveforms i n a given ti mebase by
clicking the timebase (f or example, click Main).
Tip. If y our instrument lacks a keyboard, you cantuse
the control key to extend selections. However, you can
touch or click i ndividual waveforms or timebases to
select them.
Select all waveforms in timebase
Select waveforms individually
Select directory
and name fil e
6. Specif y the direct ory and filenam e(s) in whic h to save
your waveform(s). If youve selected a single waveform,
you can:
H Use the default name and di rectory appearing in
the File Path field.
H Click to access the fi le system (see right) and
navigate to a new directory.
H Rename the fi le and/ or change the di rect ory by
typing a new name and path into the File Path field.
If youve selected multiple waveforms, the File Path field
will change to Dir\Pref ix. You can edit the pat h and the
prefix used for the fi lenames as j ust described. All files
will save into the same directory. The File Path field will
change to Dir\Pref ix.
Access to file system
Edit pathand file name
Access to virtual keyboard