Appendix A: Specifications
CSA8000B & TDS8000B User Manual
Table A- 10: Certifications and compliances
Category Standards or description
EC Declaration of Conformity --
Meets intent of Directive 89/336/EEC for Electromagnetic Compatibility when configured with
sampling head modules designed for use with this inst rument as identified in this manual.
Compliance was demonstrat ed to the f ollowing specifications as listed in the Official Journal of the
European Union:
EN 61326 EMC Requirements for Electrical Equipment for Measurement, Control
and Laboratory use.
Class A Radiated and Conduct ed Emissions
IEC 1000-4-2 Performance Criterion B
IEC 1000-4-3 Performance Criterion A
IEC 1000-4-4 Performance Criterion B
IEC 1000-4-5 Performance Criterion B
IEC 1000-4-6 Performance Criterion A
IEC 1000-4-11 Performance Criterion B
Performance Criteria C for USB keyboard and mouse. Note that operation of the
USB keyboard and mouse can be restored by unplugging and then
reconnecting the USB connector at the rear panel of the main instrument.
Horizontal timing susceptibility of the optical sampling modules and their
internal clock recovery trigger signals usually increase the horizontal timing
jitter when external el ectromagnetic fields are applied. For fields up to 3 V/m,
the increase in the horizontal high-frequency RMS jitter is typically less than
3 ps RMS of jitter, added using the square-root-of-the-sum-of-the-squares
method. An example follows:
If an 80C01-CR operating in clock-recovery trigger mode exhibits 3.5 ps RMS of
edge jitter, with no EMC field appl ied and for an ideal ji tterless input, then for
applied fields up to 3 V/m the edge jitter, degradation would typically result in a
total RMS jitter of:
Jitter ≤ 3.5ps
+ 3ps
= 4.61ps
EN 61000-3-2 AC Power Harmonic Current Emissions
Radiated emissions may exceed the level s specified in EN 61326 when this instrument is connected
to a test object.
Australia/New Zeal and
Declaration of Conf ormity --
Complies with EM C Framework per the fol lowing standard:
AS/NZS 2064.1/2 Class A Radiated and Conducted Emissions
General EMC To ensure compliance with EMC requirements, only high quality shielded cables having a reliable,
continuous outer shiel d (braid & foil) wi th full coverage, l ow impedance connect ions t o shielded
connector housings at both ends should be connected to this product.
EC Declaration of Conformity --
Low Voltage
Compliance was demonstrat ed to the f ollowing specification as list ed in the Offi cial Journal of t he
European Union:
Low Voltage Directive 73/23/EEC, amended by 93/68/EEC