© Titan Tool Inc. All rights reserved. 7
5. Close the pressure bleed valve and hold gun trigger open
until solvent flows freely from gun. If solvent is not too
dirty, recirculate it by flowing gun stream back into solvent
container. Use additional clean solvent and repeat
procedure if necessary.
6. Check gun strainer screen and pump outlet filter screen
daily. Use 50 mesh screens with spray tip size .015 and
larger. Use 100 mesh screens with spray tip sizes .013 and
7. Replace paint filter cap to maximum clockwise rotation. The
filter cover should be hand removable after the first or
second use with new 37)( o-ring.
IMPORTANT: O-ring must have 37)( backup washer
to seal properly.
8. If unit has been spraying a water soluble material, flush
with water and then repeat procedure with mineral spirits or
Varsol solvent.
9. Wash spray tip in solvent. Blow tip clean with air pressure
directed through the tip in the reverse direction.
Hydraulic System
Use of Speeflo's Coolflo™ Hydraulic Fluid is mandatory in
the hydraulic system. Do not use any other hydraulic fluid.
Use of any other hydraulic fluid may seriously damage the
hydraulic system and will void warranty.
1. Check the hydraulic fluid daily. It should read "Full" on the
dipstick. If it is low, add only Speeflo Coolflo™ Hydraulic
Fluid (P/N 430-361). Never add or change hydraulic fluid
except in a clean dust free area. Contamination of the
hydraulic fluid will shorten hydraulic pump life and may void
2. Change the hydraulic fluid every twelve months. Drain old
fluid from tank and fill with 5 quarts of Speeflo Coolflo™
Hydraulic Fluid. Start operation of the system at just
enough pressure to operate the fluid pump. Run the
system at this low pressure for at least 5 minutes. This
removes air from the system. Check the fluid level after
this procedure.
3. The hydraulic system has an external replaceable hydraulic
filter. Change the filter every twelve months.
4. The hydraulic pump should not be serviced in the field. If
service on the hydraulic pump is required, it must be
returned to Speeflo.
General Fluid Pump Maintenance
If the paint pump is going to be out of service for an extended
period of time, it is recommended that following cleanup a
kerosene and oil mixture be introduced as a preservative.
Packings may tend to dry out from lack of use. This is
particularly true of the upper packing set, for which upper
packing lubricant “Piston Lube” (P/N 700-925) is recommended
in normal usage.
If the paint pump has been out of service for an extended
period of time, it may be necessary to prime the suction by
pouring some of the paint solvent into the inlet siphon tube to
restart. It is extremely important that the threads on the inlet
siphon hose coupling are properly sealed. Any air leakage will
produce erratic operation of pump and may damage the
system. The up and the down strokes should be approximately
equal in time. That is, one should not be faster than the other.
A fast up or down stroke may indicate air in the system or
malfunctioning valve or seats. See the Troubleshooting section.
Hydraulic Motor and Fluid Pump
See the Parts List and Service Instructions section of this
manual for maintenance and service instructions on the
reciprocating hydraulic motor and the fluid pump.
Basic Engine Maintenance
• For detailed engine maintenance and technical
specifications refer to the separate Honda engine manual.
• All service to the engine should be performed by an
authorized Honda Power Equipment dealer. To locate a
dealer in your area, look in the Yellow Pages of your
telephone directory under Gasoline Engines, Garden &
Lawn Equipment & Supplies, Lawnmowers, etc.
• The Honda engine is warranted exclusively by American
Honda Motor Co., Inc.
• Use a premium quality motor oil certified to meet or exceed
U.S. Automotive requirement SG.SF/CC.CD. SAE 10W30
is recommended for general all temperature use. Other
viscosities may be required in other climates.
• Use only a (NGK) BP6ES or BPR6E spark plug. Gap the
plug to 0.028 to 0.031 In. (0.7 to 0.8 mm) Always use a
spark plug wrench.
DAILY: Check engine oil level. Fill as necessary. Check
gasoline level. Fill as necessary.
Always follow the fueling procedure outlined earlier in this
FIRST 20 HOURS: Change engine oil.
EVERY 100 HOURS: Change engine oil.
WEEKLY: Remove the air filter cover and clean the element. In
very dusty environments, check the filter daily. Replace the
element as needed. Replacement elements can be purchased
from your local Honda dealer.
Engine Operation and Service
1. Clean and oil air filter pad on gasoline engine every 25
hours or once weekly. Do not permit the air intake screen
around the fly wheel of the gas engine to load up with paint
or trash. Clean it regularly. The service life and efficiency of
the gas engine model depends upon keeping the gasoline
engine running properly. Change the oil in the engine every
100 hours. Failure to observe this may result in engine
overheating. Consult the engine manufacturer's service
manual provided.
2. To conserve fuel, service life, and efficiency of the unit
always operate the gasoline engine at the lowest RPM at
which it runs smoothly without laboring and delivers the
amount required for the particular painting operation.
Higher RPM does not produce higher working pressure.
The gasoline engine is connected to the hydraulic pump by
a pulley combination designed to produce full paint delivery
of 2.0 GPM at 3600 RPM.
3. The warranty on gasoline engines or electric motors is
limited to the original manufacturer.
If electric motor overloads and stops running,
IMMEDIATELY turn the motor off and follow the Pressure
Relief Procedure outlined earlier in this manual. Wait until
the motor cools (approximately 30 minutes). Then push in
the bubble top, manual reset button, turn the motor on and
pressurize the system.
For CSA approved units only:
The ON / OFF switch is also the RESET!