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UTY4422-002 Page 36 of 72
The unit is acting on one of three groups of settings at any given time, each of which is described
in the following table:
Table 16. Group Settings
Settings Group Description
These settings are entered via COMPEL or the TEMP / TEMPCH
terminal commands. The unit is said to be inserting when it is
configured to the temp settings. The maximum length of an insert is
approximately 18 hours (65535 seconds). An insert terminates when (1)
it times out, (2) an ABORT command is received, (3) power is cycled,
or (4) an invalid header is seen. Any Temp commands received while
the receiver is currently inserting are ignored. If a Perm command is
received while inserting, the perm_settings are updated but not acted on
until the insert is terminated.
Perm The perm_settings are entered via COMPEL or the Terminal
Commands PERM and PERMCH, or automatically from within a search
mode (see below). The group perm_settings is the only settings group
stored in NVRAM.
Search The search_settings are active while in Carrier Search, Header Search,
and Satellite Search modes. When the unit finds what it is looking for
in the search mode, it copies the search_settings to the perm_settings.
These are then considered to be the active settings.
3.8.2 Signal Quality Monitoring
The unit provides the following signal quality information:
Table 17. Unit Signal Quality
Indicator Description
Eb/No An average Eb/No reading. It is updated approximately every 500 mS, and
is a 10 second running average of these updates.
Signal Fades A counter is maintained for transitions from Tracking to Fade mode.
Shows the percentage of time that the unit has been locked on a carrier
since that carrier was first acquired (timer.locked /