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UTY4422-002 Page 64 of 72
MPEG, MPEG Transport Stream – Moving Picture Experts Group. This catchall
abbreviation is used to describe the digital compression (redundancy reduction) of linearly
digitized audio and video signals as well as the mode of multiplexing and transporting that
compressed data. The Transport stream is a packetized system consisting of a sequence of 188-
byte packets, each with a sync-byte and a specific payload identified by a payload ID (or PID).
The stream contains packets not only for the compressed audio and video, but also auxiliary
data, program information and allocation data, and conditional access information.
PAL – Phase Alternate Line. The analog television standard used in most of Asia and Europe.
PAL transmits 625 lines.
PES – Packetized Elementary Stream. A data stream carried within the Transport Stream. In
this unit, it is an audio data stream.
PID – Payload Identifier (or ID). See "MPEG."
PMT – Program Map Table. In an MPEG Data Stream, this Data Packet contains the PID’s of
subsequent Packets that contain each Program’s compressed Video, Audio, or Data.
QPSK – Quadrature Phase Shift Keying. This is a popular mode of transmitting digital
information by varying the phase of a radio-frequency carrier.
RED – Normally, a red LED denotes a warning or a major problem.
SCPC – Single-Channel-Per-Carrier. Only one service or program is present on a particular
radio-frequency carrier.
SETTINGS TABLE – An internal table of alternate carrier/program settings stored in the unit’s
non-volatile memory (remembered through power cycles). This table may be used in the
following ways: (1) If an unit is unable to acquire the commanded carrier, then it will, after an
appropriate time-delay, search for and lock onto any carriers in the table it may be able to find.
(2) If local control is enabled, a user, may, through the front-panel or terminal command, tune
the unit to a new setting found in the table using the shorthand of the Settings Table entry
TMRA – Temperature Mounting Rack Ambient. The ambient temperature of the mounting rack
where the equipment is located. This temperature is more relevant to the operating condition of
the equipment than the ambient temperature of the room where the equipment rack is located.