
Page 49
Page 49 of 72 UTY4422-002
This moves to 2nd level screens under “Hardware Setup.” In these screens, the user may make
changes to the unit setup. NOTE: If local control is disabled, then changes to current settings,
channel entry/selection, and audio settings are not allowed, and their screens will not be shown.
B.4.1 Current Settings
Tunes unit to a new channel setting per user input. Equivalent to a PERM terminal command.
C U R R E N T S E T T I N G S :
P r e s s < S E L E C T >
Moves user to 3rd level screens under “Current Settings.”
P O R T : n R A T E : d d . d d d
P R O G : p p p p p
PORT: n is the ASI input port, 1 or 2,
RATE: ddddd.dd is the input data rate, and
PROG: ppppp is the program number (5 digits).
S A V E : < E N T E R >
C A N C E L : < S E L E C T >
<ENTER> saves the new setting and returns to 2nd level screens under “HARDWARE SETUP.”
<SELECT> returns without saving the entry.
B.4.2 Channel Selection
Tunes unit to a channel from SETTINGS TABLE. Equivalent to a PERMCH terminal
S E L E C T C H A N N E L : x x
SELECT CHANNEL: xx is a Settings Table entry number between 1 and 48. If the user presses
<SELECT>, then the xx field flashes. Up/down arrows may select a new value. Pressing
<ENTER> tunes the unit to the new channel settings in that Table entry.
B.4.3 Edit Channel
Edits an entry in the SETTINGS TABLE. Equivalent to ADDS and DELS terminal commands.
E D I T C H A N N E L : x x
EDIT CHANNEL: xx is a Settings Table entry number. If you press <SELECT>, then the xx
field flashes. Up/down arrows then select a new value between 1 and 48. Pressing <ENTER>
starts an edit session on the Table entry. The screens are the same as those under “Current
Settings” above.