
Page 43
Page 43 of 72 UTY4422-002
Terminal/Modem Commands
Appendix A
Commands described in this section detail command syntax and action taken. Commands
consist of a command field and a parameter field. Each command field and parameter field is
space delimited. Optional parameters are indicated by square brackets, [ ], and conditional
parameters are indicated by braces, {}.
For example, COMMAND_NAME parameter1 {parameter2} [parameter3] indicates that
parameter1 must be entered, parameter2 entered only when a certain condition is met (certain
option is installed, etc.), and parameter3 is optional. Both commands and parameters may be
entered in upper or lower case; the interface is not case-sensitive.
Incorrect or incomplete commands result in the terminal displaying "Invalid Command."
Parameter errors on User Commands generate "Invalid parameter name" where “parameter
name” is the name of the incorrectly entered parameter.
These commands show status and help displays, but do not allow for changes to that status.
A.1.1 H
command: Any of the terminal command names (H, R, TEMP, etc.).
If an ‘H’ or any invalid command beginning with an 'H' is entered and command is omitted, the
whole help screen will be displayed, consisting of a list of all available commands and a brief
description of each listing. If an ‘H’ or any invalid command beginning with an 'H' is entered
and command is a valid User Command Name, then detailed help for command is displayed.
A.1.2 R
type [page]
type: Indicates the type of report as follows:
C - Carrier Status
P - Parameters
G - Group Status
NC - Network Controller Status
* * * CAUTION * * *
Terminal / modem commands fall into two categories--Status Commands and Control
Commands. If Local Control is disabled, the unit will accept only Status Commands.
No Control Commands will be accepted until Local Control is enabled. For more
information, see the commands listed below.