Page 16 - 56 Xerox Document Centre System Administration Guide
7. Type a Host Name.
8. Select DHCP, RARP, BOOTP, STATIC, or DHCP/AutoIP from
the IP Address Resolution drop-down list.
9. Type the desired IP addresses that apply in Machine IP
Address, Subnet Mask, and Gateway Address.
If BOOTP or DHCP address resolution mode is selected, you
cannot change the IP address, subnet mask, or default gateway. If
RARP address resolution mode is selected, you cannot change the
IP address.
Changing the IP address for the Document Centre will affect
NetBIOS/IP, LPR/LPD, FTP, SNMP, and Port 9100 printing. If you
change an IP address for a device, you must reference the new
address for TCP/IP to locate the device.
10. For DNS configuration, type in the Domain Name.
11. Type in the IP address for the Preferred DNS Server.
12. Type in the IP address for Alternate DNS Servers 1 and 2.
13. Click to select for Dynamic DNS Registration enabled.
14. For SLP Configuration, set Protocol: enabled to enable Ser-
vice Location Protocol (SLP).
15. Type in the IP address for the Directory Agent.
16. Type in the name(s) for Scope 1, 2, 3.
17. Select the Message Type from the drop-down list for Multi-
cast or Broadcast.
18. Type in a value for Multicast Radius (0 - 255).
19. Type in a value for MTU (484 - 1400) to set the Maximum
Transmission Unit.
20. Click Apply New Settings to accept the changes or Restore
Settings to return the settings to their previous values.
The settings are not applied until you restart the Document Centre.