Page 17 - 6 Xerox Document Centre System Administration Guide
3. Review the NetWare Settings: area of the page and verify at
the User Interface these items:
Ethernet or Token Ring (depending on which is being used)
Frame Type matches the frame type of the Primary
Primary File Server (for NetWare 3.1X only) is set to the
name of the server that serves the print queue you have
assigned to the printer. Setting the Primary Server is
extremely important on large networks.
NDS Tree (for NetWare 4.X and 5.X NDS only) is set for the
correct NDS tree name.
NDS Context (for NetWare 4.X and 5.X NDS only) is set for
the correct NDS Context.
Print Server Name is set for the name selected for this
printer to act as a print server.
Print Server Password is set correctly for this print server.
4. Print out another Configuration Report page to verify the
items you modified were set and retained.
5. VERIFY that the NetWare print queue assigned to the printer
exists, is accepting jobs, and has a Print Server attached. If the
printer has not logged in, reboot the printer.