
[SMTP Server Port Number]
Enter a value in the range from 1 to 65535. The default is 25.
Note: This configuration is not necessary if [SMTP] has been selected for the [Mail Receiving
Protocol] and has already been configured.
[E-mail Send Authentication]
Select one from [Off], [POP before SMTP], or [SMTP AUTH]. Tip: If you are having trouble
sending E-mail, to see if Authentication is the problem, set this item to Off and set the SMTP
Server IP Address (above) to a server that does not require authentication.
Note: If [POP before SMTP] is selected, the POP3 settings must be set.
[SMTP AUTH Login Name]
Set this item if [SMTP AUTH] is selected for [E-mail Send Authentication].
[SMTP AUTH Password]
Set this item if [SMTP AUTH] is selected for [E-mail Send Authentication]. Enter the same
password twice in the [New Password] and [Re-enter Password]. If you do not set the password,
leave it blank and select [Save].
b. Select Close until the Connectivity & Network Setup list is again displayed.