
General Troubleshooting Procedure
1. Make sure that the machine is switched ON and that the Main screen (typically the All Services
screen) is displayed.
Note: The actual screen displayed as the Main screen is selectable. To determine the screen you
would like displayed, press the Log In / Out button, enter the Administrator password (default of
11111), press Enter, and press the Machine Status button. Press the Tools tab. Press Common
Service Settings, press Screen/Button Settings, select Service Screen Default, touch Change
Settings, make your selection and touch Save. Touch Close until the Tools tab screen is displayed.
Wait several seconds for the Auto Clear service to log you out.
2. Make sure that the machine is plugged into a live network drop, typically with a Category 5 twisted pair
cable attached to the RJ-45 socket at the rear of the Device.
Note: You can often determine if the drop is live by looking at the link and activity (if available) light or
lights at the rear of the Device. If these lights are lit and/or blinking, you have a live connection. If you
cannot determine if the drop is live, plug the machine into another drop being used by another machine
that is fully functioning on the network. You can use a hub to connect both machines to the live
network drop so that you do not interrupt the operations of the working machine. If you do not have
access to a second working drop, or a hub, connect a laptop to the RJ-45 socket at the rear of the
Device using a crossover (NOT a patch) cable.
3. Print a Configuration Report at the Device using the instructions supplied in the Configuration Report
topic in the Network Connectivity section of this guide.
4. Referring to the Configuration Report, determine if the appropriate ports and protocols are enabled for
your Network environment.
To support communicating with the Device's Internet Services, a series of internal Web Pages that
enable the configuration of operating settings, the TCP/IP protocol stack should be enabled. The
Device should also have a valid IP Address, Subnet Mask, and Gateway displayed. If this is not the
case, go to the NOS Selection section of this guide, locate the TCP/IP Protocol Configuration topic,
and follow the instructions supplied.
As some Network Environment settings can only be configured through use of Internet Services on the
Device, if this tool is shown as "disabled" on the Configuration Report, follow the instructions in the
Enable Internet Services (HTTP) topic in this guide.