
Using XSA at the machine
When you enable XSA, users must enter a valid user name at the machine to access any services to
which access restriction has been applied. Refer to Enable Xerox Standard Accounting in this section
for the specific service restricting procedure.
At the Machine
1. Press the All Services button, if necessary, to display all the available service buttons.
2. Press any button representing a service to which restricted access has been applied.
3. When the “Press the Log In / Out button” message displays on screen, press the Log In / Out button.
4. Enter a User ID and touch Confirm.
Note: If the User is a member of more than one Group Account, he or she will be asked to select the
account that they wish to log into.
5. When the User is logged in, the selected service screen will be displayed. The User can now use that
service, with usage tracked by XSA.