2 Calibration
Response Settings.................... 2-1
Overview of Calibration
Procedures............................... 2-2
Long Calibration ....................... 2-3
Frequency of Calibration
Under long operating conditions, the instrument should be calibrated
once per week, or whenever the instrument displays a message
regarding calibration. You should perform a “long calibration”
whenever possible. However, you can also perform a Quick-Cal™
procedure any time after an initial long calibration has been performed.
Before calibrating, you should determine the appropriate densitometer
response setting for your instrument, based on your production control
A densitometer’s measurement system consists of several different
components (lamp, optics, light sensor). Different densitometers consist
of different types of these components. The density readings measured
by these systems are called a densitometer response. Because
components differ among densitometers, standard responses have been
established in the industry. These standards ensure that even
instruments with different components will measure in accordance with
the same response.