Press the [F1] key to highlight “LOAD” on the display if you want to load
data from the disk into the SY85 internal memory, or press the [F2] key to
highlight “SAVE” on the display if you want to save data from the internal
memory to the disk. Next, use [CS5] to select the number of the disk file (01
through 99) that you want to load from or save to. In the case of utilities
number 4 and 5, you also need to select the number of the song (1 through 10)
to be loaded or saved via [CS8].
Press [ENTER/YES] to begin the disk load or save procedure. If you select
“SAVE”, you have the option of pressing the [F3] key to give the data file a
name before it is saved (the name is displayed above the file number — un-
named files are automatically named “--NEW--*”). If you choose the “NAME”
option, enter the file name in the normal way (see page 95)
, then press [EN-
TER/YES] to begin the disk load or save procedure. The following confirma-
tion display will appear:
Press [ENTER/YES] again to confirm that you want to go ahead with the
disk load or save operation, or press [EXIT/NO] to cancel.
When the data has been loaded or saved, “Completed!” will appear briefly
on the display.
See page 321 for information on disk error messages.
◊ Please note the following points if you will writing or modifying disk
file names using a personal computer.
• The file extension “.Xnn”
must be present (“nn” is the extension
• If two files having the same extension number exist on the same
disk, only one will appear on the display. Please make sure that all
files on the same disk have different extension numbers.
• Unlike voice names, file name can consist only of upper-case char-