The SY85 comes with 512 kilobytes of internal wave RAM memory for
storage of wave data loaded from floppy disk or via the MIDI interface (MIDI
sample dump). The internal wave memory is not backed up like the voice,
performance, and song memories, and is therefore “volatile” (i.e. the contents
of the memory are lost when the SY85 power is turned off).
Extra memory modules can be added to the SY85 to expand the wave
memory to a maximum of 3.5 megabytes. Two types of expansion memory are
Yamaha SYEMB06 Memory Expansion Modules
One or two Yamaha SYEMB06 Memory Expansion Modules can be
plugged into expansion slots provided on the SY85 bottom panel. Each
SYEMB06 provides 512 kilobytes. With two SYEMB06 modules installed,
you have a total of 1.5 megabytes of wave memory (512 kilobytes internal
+ 1 megabyte external). Unlike the internal wave memory, SYEMB06
memory is “non-volatile”, so its contents are retained even when the SY85
power is turned off.
SIMM Memory Modules
The SY85 will also accommodate up to 2 megabytes of memory in
standard SIMM memory modules (the type used in popular personal com-
puters: 8-bit, 1-megabyte, 80-nanosecond or faster types only). SIMM
memory is volatile, so its contents will be lost whenever the SY85 power is
turned off.
Please note that when SIMM memory is wave memory installed, wave
data can not be loaded into memory from a waveform card.