Amod (Amplitude modulation depth)
Range: 0 … 127
Controls: [CS5], [-1] [+1], Dial
Sets the maximum amount of amplitude modulation that can be applied to
the current voice.
A “0” setting produces no modulation while a setting of “127” produces
maximum modulation. Amplitude modulation produces a periodic variation in
the volume of the sound, thus creating a tremolo effect.
Please note that the amplitude modulation depth parameter for the controller
which is to be used to apply amplitude modulation (see page 83, 85, and 87)
must also be set to an appropriate value before amplitude modulation can be
Fmod (Filter cutoff frequency modulation depth)
Range: 0 … 127
Controls: [CS6], [-1] [+1], Dial
Sets the maximum amount of filter cuttoff modulation that can be applied
to the current voice.
A “0” setting produces no modulation while a setting of “127” produces
maximum modulation. Filter cutoff modulation produces wah-wah type effects.
Please note that the filter cutoff modulation depth parameter for the control-
ler which is to be used to apply cutoff modulation (see page 84, 86, and 88)
must also be set to an appropriate value before cutoff frequency modulation can
be applied.
Dely (Delay)
Range: 0 … 99
Controls: [CS7], [-1] [+1], Dial
Sets the delay time between the beginning of a note and the beginning of
LFO operation for the selected element.
The minimum setting “0” results in no delay, while the maximum setting of
“99” produces a delay of approximately 2.66 seconds before the LFO begins
operation (5.3 seconds before it reaches maximum depth).
Range: 0 … 180
Controls: [CS8], [-1] [+1], Dial
Determines at which point in the LFO waveform the LFO will begin opera-
tion for the selected element. The values 0 through 180 correspond to phase
angles in degrees. The illustration below shows how the various phase angles
correspond to points on the LFO waveform (a sine wave is used for clarity).