Range: FOne, FLp, BOne, BLp
Controls: [CS5], [-1] [+1], Dial
Selects the type of loop to be used for playback of the selected sample. The
settings are:
FOne = Forward one-shot. The sample is played in the normal forward
direction and is not looped (i.e. the sound stops a the end of the
FLp = Forward loop. The sample is played in the normal forward direction
and is looped (repeated) as long as the key is held.
BOne = Backward one-shot. The sample is played backward and is not
looped (i.e. the sound stops at the beginning of the sample).
BLp = Backward loop. The sample is played backward and is looped
(repeated) as long as the key is held.
Typ (Loop type)
Range: Nrm, Alt
Controls: [CS6], [-1] [+1], Dial
This parameter is only available when either the “FLp” or “BLp” loop type
is selected (see “Loop”, above). When set to “Nrm” (normal), the sample is
repeatedly looped in either the forward or reverse direction, as specified by the
Loop parameter. If “Alt” (alternate) is selected, the sample is alternately played
forward and backward.
Range: 00 … 63
Controls: [CS8], [-1] [+1], Dial
Selects the sample to be edited using the “Vol”, “Pitch”, “Loop”, and “Typ”
The memory area in which the selected sample resides is shown on the
upper display line (“Volatile” or “Non-vol.”), and an inverted key symbol
appears to the right of sample numbers that correspond to copy-protected sam-