Front Panel - Describes the possible selections for the brightness of the front panel display. Bright, medium,
OSD Color - Set the preferred color for the OSD menu. Default setting
is blue. Select from Blue, Purple, Pink, Aqua, Lilac, Yellow, Red, or
On Screen - All changes that are made to the preamplifier (volume,
input, tuner frequency, etc. are displayed on the front panel. You can
choose how much information is also displayed with the On-Screen
Display (OSD).
Major Change - OSD will display changes to input and
saving/recalling presets.
All Changes - OSD will display changes to input, saving/recalling presets, tuner station entry, Volume,
bass, treble, channel gain and decoder adjustments.
Off - OSD will only display when the INFO button is pressed from the remote control or when
entering into the menu system. (Default)
On Screen Time - This setting defines the length of time the info screen will display through the video output.
The info screen timer may need to be adjusted when using video devices that auto detect the video resolu-
tion. Sometimes high definition monitors need more time to auto-detect to the low definition resolution of the
splash screen. Most monitors will be compatible with the default time of 5 seconds.
B& K supports two different two-channel decoders; DTS NEO:6 and
Dolby Pro Logic IIx. Each decoder supports surround adjustments that
can be made pertaining to how audio information is directed throughout
the soundstage. These adjustments apply only to the music mode of
these decoders. In this menu you can set the preferred settings. The
settings can be adjusted on the fly using the remote. The settings will
always return to the settings in this menu when you first select the
music mode. See page 7 for a description of what these settings do.
This menu allows a backup to be made of all the customized settings that
have been made to the Reference 51 Series2. The options in this selec-
tion are BACKUP and RESTORE. Even if a backup is not made, any
customized settings will not be lost during normal day to day operation.
It is a good idea to create a backup once all the settings have been
made. These settings are then stored on an internal EEPROM. Select
RESTORE, if you desire to recall the memory backup.
Note: A Factory Reset will erase
of a previous memory backup.
11 FFrroonntt PPaanneell BBrriigghhtt
22 OOSSDD CCoolloorr BBlluuee
33 OOnn SSccrreeeenn OOffff
44 OOnn SSccrreeeenn TTiimmee 55..00
↑↑↓↓ nneexxtt iitteemm aaddjjuusstt ←←→→
MMEENNUU mmaaiinn mmeennuu
11 NNEEOO::66 CCeenntteerr IImmaaggee 00..33
22 PPLLIIIIxx CCeenntteerr WWiiddtthh 33
33 PPLLIIIIxx DDiimmeennssiioonn 00
rreeaarr ffrroonntt
44 PPLLIIIIxx PPaannoorraammaa YYEESS
↑↑↓↓ nneexxtt iitteemm EENNTT sseelleecctt
MMEENNUU mmaaiinn mmeennuu
11 MMeemmoorryy OOppeerraattiioonn BBaacckkuupp
SSaavvee AALLLL mmeemmoorryy
sseettttiinnggss iinn EEEEPPRROOMM
EENNTT ppeerrffoorrmm aaddjjuusstt ←←→→
MMEENNUU mmaaiinn mmeennuu