B&K Series 2 Car Amplifier User Manual

Unit information provides hardware information about your preamplifier.
Unit - The model of the preamplifier
software - The software version currently running in the hardware.
S/N - Serial Number
BKC-DIP - B& K Components Device Interface Protocol version.
TUN-PLL - Tuner information
The advanced setup menu allows the user to adjust the following features. An advanced menu navigational
flow chart is located on page 58 of this manual. The categories that are reserved for the advanced menu are
as follows:
Zone maximum volume level.
Surround Mode Detection
The IR code-set for each zone
Plug n Play timing
Power on Titles
DSP usage
+12 Volt Control Outputs
RS-232 Settings
User Security
From the factory, the advanced menu is hidden from user access. To reveal the advanced menu,
simultaneously press the UP, DOWN and ON/STANDBY buttons. Once these three buttons have been
pressed, the Security Options Menu will display with “ADVANCED VISIBLE” highlighted. This will indicate the
advanced menu is accessible. If the IR or front panel has been locked, this button press sequence will unlock
them. After enabling advanced menu, the system setup menu will change:
Advanced Locked Advanced Unlocked
11 UUnniitt RReeff 5511 SSeerriieess 22
22 ssooffttwwaarree vveerrssiioonn 11..0000
33 SS//NN 112233445566778899
44 BBKKCC--DDIIPP 11..22..0011
55 TTUUNN--PPLLLL LLCC7722114466
nneexxtt iitteemm
MMEENNUU MMaaiinn MMeennuu
11 SSppeeaakkeerrss
22 IInnppuuttss
33 PPrreesseettss
44 DDiissppllaayyss
55 MMuussiicc MMooddeess
66 MMeemmoorryy BBaacckkuupp//RReessttoorree
nneexxtt iitteemm EENNTT sseelleecctt
MMEENNUU mmaaiinn mmeennuu
11 SSppeeaakkeerrss
22 IInnppuuttss
33 PPrreesseettss
44 DDiissppllaayyss
55 MMuussiicc MMooddeess
66 MMeemmoorryy BBaacckkuupp//RReessttoorree
77 AAddvvaanncceedd
nneexxtt iitteemm EENNTT sseelleecctt
MMEENNUU mmaaiinn mmeennuu