– 38 –
Pin No. Pin Name I/O Function
50 VSS – Ground terminal
51 VDD – Power supply terminal (+3.3V)
52-55 A03-A00 O Address signal output to the RAM (IC501)
56-60 A04-A08 O Address signal output to the RAM (IC501)
61 XOE O Output enable control signal output to the RAM (IC501)
62 XCAS O Column address strobe signal output to the RAM (IC501)
63 VSS – Ground terminal
64 XCS O Chip select signal output Not used this set (OPEN)
65 A09 O Address signal output to the RAM (IC501)
66 XRAS O Row address strobe signal output to the RAM (IC501)
67 XWE O Reading/Writing control signal output to the RAM (IC501)
68,69 D1,D0 I/O RAM (IC501) data bus
70,71 D2,D3 I/O RAM (IC501) data bus
72-74 D4-D6 I/O Data bus Not used this set (OPEN)
75 VSS – Ground terminal
76 D7 I/O Data bus Not used this set (OPEN)
77 ERR I/O
Input /output terminal of the error (C2PO) data signal to the external RAM
Not used this set (OPEN)
External RAM selection signal input for the error data writing (When “H” : External RAM)
(Fixed at “L”)
79 BUSY O BUSY signal output of the RAM access Not used this set (OPEN)
80 EMP O Empty or before the full of the ATRAC data (When DSC=ASC+1 : “H”) Not used this set (OPEN)
81 FUL O Full or before the empty of the ATRAC data (When ASC=DSC+1 : “H”) Not used this set (OPEN)
82 EQL O Empty of the ATRAC data (When DSC=ASC : “H”)
Indicate the main/sub of the recording or playback data (When sub and linking : “H”,
When the main : “L”) Not used this set (OPEN)
84 CPSY O Interpolation sync signal output Not used this set (OPEN)
85 CTMD0 O DSC (Difference Signal Control) counter mode output Not used this set (OPEN)
86 CTMD1 O DSC (Difference Signal Control) counter mode output Not used this set (OPEN)
87 SPO O System clock (512Fs=22.5792MHz) signal output to CXD2535CR (IC200) and D/A converter (IC550)
88 VSS – Ground terminal
89 MDSY O Sync detection signal output of the main data Not used this set (OPEN)
90 LRCK I L/R clock (44.1kHz) signal input from CXD2535CR (IC200)
91 BCK I Bit clock (2.8224MHz) signal input from CXD2535CR (IC200)
92 C2PO I
C2PO (indicate the error mode of the data) signal input from CXD2535BR (IC200)
When playback : C2PO (“H”), When digital recording : D. IN-Vflag, When analog recording : “L”
When recording : Record audio data signal output (Not used this set)
When playback : Playback audio data signal input from CXD2535CR (IC200)
94 DIDT I 16-bit data input terminal for the digital audio in Not used this set (Fixed at “L”)
95 DODT O 16-bit data output terminal for the digital audio out Not used this set (OPEN)
96 DIRCPB O Disc drive, Record or playback mode output of the EFM encoder/decoder Not used this set (OPEN)
97 MIN I Defect ON/OFF selection signal input from CXD2535CR (IC200)
98 SPOSL I IN/OUT selection input terminal of the pin *¶ (“L” : IN, “H” : OUT) (Fixed at “H”)
99 MCK O Internal master clock signal output terminal of the RAM controller
100 VSS – Ground terminal