
To do... Use the command... Remarks
Set the bridge priority for the
current switch
stp [ instance instance-id ]
priority priority
The default bridge priority of a
switch is 32,768.
z Once you specify a switch as the root bridge or a secondary root bridge by using the stp root
primary or stp root secondary command, the bridge priority of the switch cannot be configured
any more.
z During the selection of the root bridge, if multiple switches have the same bridge priority, the one
with the smallest MAC address becomes the root bridge.
Configuration example
# Set the bridge priority of the current switch to 4,096 in MSTI 1.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] stp instance 1 priority 4096
Configuring How a Port Recognizes and Sends MSTP Packets
A port can send/recognize MSTP packets of two formats:
z dot1s: 802.1s-compliant standard format
z legacy: Compatible format
By default, the packet format recognition mode of a port is auto, namely the port automatically
distinguishes the two MSTP packet formats, and determines the format of packets it will send based on
the recognized format. You can configure the MSTP packet format to be used by a port. After the
configuration, when working in MSTP mode, the port sends and receives only MSTP packets of the
format you have configured to communicate with devices that send packets of the same format.
Configuration procedure
Follow these steps to configure how a port recognizes and sends MSTP packets (in system view):
To do... Use the command... Remarks
Enter system view
Configure how a port
recognizes and sends
MSTP packets
stp interface
compliance { auto | dot1s |
legacy }
By default, a port recognizes and sends
MSTP packets in the automatic mode.
That is, it determines the format of
packets to be sent according to the
format of the packets received.
Follow these steps to configure how a port recognizes and sends MSTP packets (in Ethernet port view):