z A newly specified IP address overwrites the previous one if there is any.
z The IP address of a VLAN interface must not be on the same network segment as that of a
loopback interface on a device.
Configuring Static Domain Name Resolution
Follow these steps to configure static domain name resolution:
To do… Use the command… Remarks
Enter system view
Configure a mapping between
a host name and an IP address
ip host hostname ip-address
No IP address is assigned to a
host name by default.
z The IP address you assign to a host name last time will overwrite the previous one if there is any.
z You may create up to 50 static mappings between domain names and IP addresses.
Displaying IP Addressing Configuration
To do… Use the command… Remarks
Display static DNS database
display ip host
Display information about a
specified or all Layer 3 interfaces
display ip interface [ interface-type
interface-number ]
Display brief configuration
information about a specified or all
Layer 3 interfaces
display ip interface brief
[ interface-type [ interface-number ] ]
Available in any
IP Address Configuration Examples
IP Address Configuration Example
Network requirement
Assign IP address with mask to VLAN-interface 1 of the switch.