Displaying and Maintaining AAA Configuration
Displaying and Maintaining AAA Configuration
To do… Use the command… Remarks
Display configuration
information about one specific
or all ISP domains
display domain [ isp-name ]
Display information about user
display connection [ access-type { dot1x |
mac-authentication } | domain isp-name |
interface interface-type interface-number | ip
ip-address | mac mac-address | radius-scheme
radius-scheme-name | vlan vlan-id | ucibindex
ucib-index | user-name user-name ]
Display information about local
display local-user [ domain isp-name | idle-cut
{ disable | enable } | vlan vlan-id | service-type
{ ftp | lan-access | ssh | telnet | terminal } |
state { active | block } | user-name user-name ]
Available in
any view
Displaying and Maintaining RADIUS Protocol Configuration
To do… Use the command… Remarks
Display RADIUS message
statistics about local RADIUS
display local-server statistics
Display configuration information
about one specific or all RADIUS
display radius scheme
[ radius-scheme-name ]
Display RADIUS message
display radius statistics
Display buffered non-response
stop-accounting requests
display stop-accounting-buffer
{ radius-scheme radius-scheme-name |
session-id session-id | time-range start-time
stop-time | user-name user-name }
Available in
any view
Delete buffered non-response
stop-accounting requests
reset stop-accounting-buffer
{ radius-scheme radius-scheme-name |
session-id session-id | time-range start-time
stop-time | user-name user-name }
Clear RADIUS message statistics
reset radius statistics
Available in
user view
AAA Configuration Examples
Remote RADIUS Authentication of Telnet/SSH Users