
Configuration procedure
Follow these steps to configure queue scheduling in system view:
To do… Use the command… Remarks
Enter system view
Configure queue
queue-scheduler { strict-priority | wfq
queue0-width queue1-width
queue2-width queue3-width
queue4-width queue5-width
queue6-width queue7-width | wrr
queue0-weight queue1-weight
queue2-weight queue3-weight
queue4-weight queue5-weight
queue6-weight queue7-weight }
By default, the queue
scheduling algorithm adopted
on all the ports is WRR. The
default weights of the eight
output queues of a port are 1, 2,
3, 4, 5, 9, 13, and 15 (in the
order queue 0 through queue
Follow these steps to configure queue scheduling in Ethernet port view:
To do… Use the command… Remarks
Enter system view
Enter Ethernet port view
interface interface-type
Configure queue
queue-scheduler { wfq
queue0-width queue1-width
queue2-width queue3-width
queue4-width queue5-width
queue6-width queue7-width | wrr
queue0-weight queue1-weight
queue2-weight queue3-weight
queue4-weight queue5-weight
queue6-weight queue7-weight }
By default, the queue
scheduling algorithm adopted
on all the ports is WRR. The
default weights of the eight
output queues of a port are 1, 2,
3, 4, 5, 9, 13, and 15 (in the
order queue 0 through queue
A port of a Switch 4500 supports eight output queues. These queue scheduling algorithms are available:
SP, WRR, and WFQ. With WRR (or WFQ) adopted, if you set the weight or the bandwidth of one or
multiple queues to 0, the switch will add the queue or these queues to the SP group, where SP is
adopted. For other queues, WRR (or WFQ) still applies. In this case, both SP and WRR (or WFQ) are
In cases where both SP and WRR (or WFQ) queue scheduling algorithms are adopted, the queues in
the SP group take precedence over other queues. For example, if queue 0, queue 1, queue 2, and
queue 3 are in the SP group, queue 4, queue 5, queue 6, and queue 7 are scheduled using WRR (or
WFQ), the switch will schedule the queues in the SP group preferentially by using the SP algorithm.
Then queues outside the SP group are scheduled by using WRR (or WFQ) algorithm only when all the
queues in the SP group are empty.