To do… Use the command… Remarks
Enter system view
Configure the hop limit of
ICMPv6 reply packets
ipv6 nd hop-limit value
64 by default.
Displaying and Maintaining IPv6
To do… Use the command… Remarks
Display the FIB entries
display ipv6 fib
Display the mapping between
host name and IPv6 address
display ipv6 host
Display the brief IPv6 information
of an interface
display ipv6 interface [ interface-type
interface-number | brief ]
Display neighbor information
display ipv6 neighbors [ ipv6-address | all |
dynamic | interface interface-type
interface-number | static | vlan vlan-id ] [ | { begin
| exclude | include } regular-expression ]
Display the total number of
neighbor entries satisfying the
specified conditions
display ipv6 neighbors { all | dynamic | static |
interface interface-type interface-number | vlan
vlan-id } count
Display information about the
routing table
display ipv6 route-table [ verbose ]
Display information related to a
specified socket
display ipv6 socket [ socktype socket-type ]
[ task-id socket-id ]
Display the statistics of IPv6
packets and IPv6 ICMP packets
display ipv6 statistics
Display the statistics of IPv6 TCP
display tcp ipv6 statistics
Display the IPv6 TCP connection
display tcp ipv6 status
Display the statistics of IPv6
UDP packets
display udp ipv6 statistics
Available in
any view
Clear IPv6 neighbor information
reset ipv6 neighbors [ all | dynamic | interface
interface-type interface-number | static ]
Clear the statistics of IPv6
reset ipv6 statistics
Clear the statistics of all IPv6
TCP packets
reset tcp ipv6 statistics
Clear the statistics of all IPv6
UDP packets
reset udp ipv6 statistics
Available in
user view