display fdb agingtime 111
Table 20 describes the fields in the display fdb output.
See Also
clear fdb on page 104
set fdb on page 121
display fdb
Displays the aging timeout period for forwarding database entries.
Syntax —
display fdb agingtime [vlan vlan-id]
vlan vlan-id — VLAN name or number. If you do not specify a VLAN,
the aging timeout period for each VLAN is displayed.
Defaults — None.
Access — All.
History —Introduced in MSS Version 3.0.
Examples — The following command displays the aging timeout period
for all VLANs:
WX1200# display fdb agingtime
Table 20 Output for display fdb
Field Description
VLAN VLAN number.
TAG VLAN tag value. If the interface is untagged, the TAG field
is blank.
Dest MAC/Route Des MAC address of this forwarding entry’s destination.
CoS Type of entry. The entry types are explained in the first
row of the command output.
Note: This Class of Service (CoS) value is not associated
with MSS quality of service (QoS) features.
Destination Ports Wireless LAN switch port associated with the entry. A WX
switch sends traffic to the destination MAC address
through this port.
Protocol Type Layer 3 protocol address types that can be mapped to this
Total Matching FDB
Entries Displayed
Number of entries displayed by the command.