display security acl editbuffer 543
WX4400# display security acl
ACL table
ACL Type Class Mapping
---------------------------- ---- ------ -------
acl_123 IP Static Port 2 In
acl_133 IP Static Port 4 In
acl_124 IP Static
See Also
clear security acl on page 538
display security acl info on page 545
display security acl editbuffer on page 543
set security acl on page 552
display security acl
Displays a summary of the security ACLs that have not yet been
committed to the configuration.
Syntax —
display security acl [info all] editbuffer
info all — Displays the ACEs in each uncommitted ACL. Without this
option, only the ACE names are listed.
Defaults — None.
Access — Enabled.
History — Introduced in MSS Version 1.0.
Examples — To view a summary of the security ACLs in the edit buffer,
type the following command:
WX4400# display security acl editbuffer
ACL edit-buffer table
ACL Type Status
---------------------------- ---- --------------
acl_111 IP Not committed
acl-a IP Not committed