See also “clear sessions” on page 613
display sessions
Displays summary or verbose information about all network sessions, or
network sessions for a specified username or set of usernames, MAC
address or set of MAC addresses, VLAN or set of VLANs, or session ID.
Syntax —
display sessions network
[user user-glob | mac-addr mac-addr-glob | ssid ssid-name
vlan vlan-glob | session-id session-id | wired] [verbose]
user user-glob — Displays all network sessions for a single user or
set of users.
Specify a username, use the double-asterisk wildcard character (**) to
specify all usernames, or use the single-asterisk wildcard character (*)
to specify a set of usernames up to or following the first delimiter
character—either an at sign (@) or a period (.). (For details, see “User
Globs” on page 30.)
mac-addr mac-addr-glob — Displays all network sessions for a MAC
address. Specify a MAC address in hexadecimal numbers separated by
colons (:).
Or use the wildcard character (*) to specify a set of MAC addresses.
(For details, see “MAC Address Globs” on page 31.)
ssid ssid-name — Displays all network sessions for an SSID.
vlan vlan-glob — Displays all network sessions on a single VLAN or a
set of VLANs.
Specify a VLAN name, use the double-asterisk wildcard character (**)
to specify all VLAN names, or use the single-asterisk wildcard
character (*) to specify a set of VLAN names up to or following the
first delimiter character, either an at sign (@) or a period (.). (For
details, see “VLAN Globs” on page 32.)
session-id local-session-id — Displays the specified network
session. To find local session IDs, use the display sessions command.
The verbose option is not available with this form of the display
sessions network command.
wired — Displays all network sessions on wired authentication ports.
verbose — Provides detailed output for all network sessions or ones
displayed by username, MAC address, or VLAN name.