set service-profile user-idle-timeout 471
History —If this command is enabled in the service profile, the 802.11
QoS level is
ignored, and MSS classifies QoS level of IP packets based on
their DSCP value.
Examples — The following command enables mapping the QoS level
of IP packets
based on their DSCP value for service profile sp1:
WX# set service-profile sp1 use-client-dscp enable
success: change accepted.
See Also
display service-profile on page 353
display qos on page 133
set service-profile
Changes the number of seconds MSS leaves a session up for a client that
is not sending data and is not responding to keepalives (idle-client
probes). If the timer expires, the client session is changed to the
Dissociated state.
The timer is reset to 0 each time a client sends data or responds to an
idle-client probe. If the idle-client probe is disabled, the timer is reset each
time the client sends data.
Syntax —
set service-profile name user-idle-timeout seconds
name — Service profile name.
seconds — Number of seconds a client is allowed to remain idle
before MSS changes the session to the Dissociated state. You can
specify from 20 to 86400 seconds.
To disable the timer, specify 0.
Defaults — The default user idle timeout is 180 seconds (3 minutes).
Access — Enabled.
History —Introduced in MSS Version 4.2.
Examples — The following command increases the user idle timeout to
360 seconds (6 minutes):