delete 727
Usage — A WX switch can have up to four boot profiles. The boot
profiles are stored in slots, numbered 0 through 3. When you create a
new profile, the system uses the next available slot for the profile. If all
four slots already contain profiles and you try to create a fifth profile, the
switch displays a message advising you to change one of the existing
profiles instead.
To make a new boot profile the currently active boot profile, use the next
command. To change boot parameter settings, use the change
Examples — The following command creates a new boot profile in slot 1
on a WX switch that currently has only one boot profile, in slot 0:
boot> create
BOOT Index: 1
DEVICE: boot1:
FILENAME: default
FLAGS: 00000000
OPTIONS: run=nos;boot=0
See Also
change on page 725
delete on page 727
display on page 730
next on page 735
delete Removes the currently active boot profile. (For information about boot
profiles, see display on page 730.)
Syntax —
Defaults — None.
Access — Boot prompt.
History —Introduced in MSS Version 3.0.