display dhcp-server 151
Default Gateway:
DNS Servers:
DNS Domain Name: mycorp.com
Table 31 and Table 32 describe the fields in these displays.
Table 31 Output for display dhcp-server
Field Description
VLAN VLAN number
Name VLAN name
Address IP address leased by the server.
MAC Address MAC address of the device that holds the least for the address.
Lease Remaining Number of seconds remaining before the address lease expires.
Table 32 Output for display dhcp-server verbose
Field Description
Interface VLAN name and number.
Status Status of the interface:
Address Range Range from which the server can lease addresses.
Hardware Address MAC address of the DHCP client.
Lease Remaining Number of seconds remaining before the address lease expires.
State State of the address lease:
SUSPEND—MSS is checking for the presence of another
DHCP server on the subnet. This is the initial state of the MSS
DHCP server. The MSS DHCP server remains in this state if
another DHCP server is detected.
CHECKING—MSS is using ARP to verify whether the address
is available.
OFFERING—MSS offered the address to the client and is
waiting for the client to send a DHCPREQUEST for the address.
BOUND—The client accepted the address.
HOLDING—The address is already in use and is therefore
Lease Allocation Duration of the address lease, in seconds.
Lease Remaining Number of seconds remaining before the address lease expires.