
set ap fingerprint 377
fingerprint — The 16-digit hexadecimal number of the fingerprint.
Use a colon between each digit. Make sure the fingerprint you enter
matches the fingerprint used by the MAP.
Defaults — None.
Access — Enabled.
History —Introduced in MSS 4.0. Version 6.0 removed the dap option.
Usage — MAPs are configured with an encryption key pair at the factory.
The fingerprint for the public key is displayed on a label on the back of
the MAP, in the following format:
If a MAP is already installed and operating, you can use the display ap
status command to display the fingerprint. The display ap config
command lists a MAP fingerprint only if the fingerprint has been verified
in MSS. If the fingerprint has not been verified, the fingerprint
information in the command output is blank.
Examples — The following example verifies the fingerprint for
Distributed MAP 8:
WX4400# set ap 8 fingerprint
success: change accepted.
See Also
display ap config on page 316
display ap status on page 331
set ap security on page 395