reset port 87
reset port Resets a port by toggling its link state and Power over Ethernet (PoE)
Syntax —
reset port port-list
port-list — List of physical ports. MSS resets all the specified ports.
Defaults — None.
Access — Enabled.
History — Introduced in MSS Version 3.0.
Usage — The reset command disables the port’s link and PoE (if
applicable) for at least 1 second, then reenables them. This behavior is
useful for forcing a MAP access point that is connected to two WX
switches to reboot over the link to the other switch.
Examples — The following command resets port 5:
WX1200# reset port 5
See Also
set port on page 89
set ap Configures a Distributed MAP for a MAP access point that is indirectly
connected to the WX switch through an intermediate Layer 2 or Layer 3
Before configuring a Distributed MAP, you must use the set
system countrycode command to set the IEEE 802.11 country-specific
regulations on the WX switch. See “set system countrycode” on page 61.
For a MAP that is directly connected to the WX switch, use the set port
type ap command to configure a MAP access port.
Syntax —
set ap ap-number serial-id serial-ID model
{ap2750 | ap3150| | ap3750| ap7250 | ap8250 | ap8750 | mp-52
| mp-241 | mp-252 | mp-262 | mp-341 | mp-352 | mp-372 |
mp-372-CN | mp-37-JP | mp-620} [radiotype {11a | 11b | 11g}]