Table 61 describes the fields in the display ap vlan output.
See Also
set ap local-switching mode on page 379
set vlan profile on page 127
display auto-tune
Displays the current values of the RF attributes RF Auto-Tuning uses to
decide whether to change channel or power settings.
Syntax —
display auto-tune attributes
[ap ap-number [radio {1 | 2 | all}]]
ap-number — Index value that identifies the MAP on the WX.
radio 1 — Shows RF attribute information for radio 1.
radio 2 — Shows RF attribute information for radio 2. (This option
does not apply to single-radio models.)
radio all — Shows RF attribute information for both radios.
Defaults — None.
Access — Enabled.
History —Introduced in MSS Version 3.0. Version 6.0 removed the dap
Table 61 Output for display ap vlan
Field Description
VLAN VLAN number.
Name VLAN name
Mode Whether packets for the VLAN are locally switched by the
MAP, or are tunneled to an WX switch, which places them
on the VLAN.
Port The port(s) through which traffic for the VLAN is sent.
TAG VLAN tag value. If the interface is untagged, none is
displayed in the TAG field.