set ap boot- configuration ip 369
set ap boot-
configuration ip
Specifies static IP address information for a Distributed MAP.
Syntax —
set ap ap-number boot-configration ip ip-addr netmask
mask-addr gateway gateway-addr [mode {enable | disable}]
Syntax —
set dap dap-num boot-ip mode {enable | disable}
ap ap-number — Index value that identifies the MAP on the WX.
ip ip-addr — The IP address to be assigned to the MAP, in dotted
decimal notation (for example,
netmask mask-addr — The subnet mask, in dotted decimal notation
(for example,
gateway gateway-addr — The IP address of the next-hop router, in
dotted decimal notation.
mode {enable | disable} — Enables or disables the static IP address
for the MAP.
Defaults — By default MAPs use DHCP to obtain an IP address, rather
than a using a manually assigned IP address.
Access — Enabled.
History —Introduced in MSS version 4.2. Version 6.0 removed the dap
Usage — Normally, Distributed MAPs use DHCP to obtain IP address
information. In some installations, DHCP may not be available. In this
case, you can assign static IP address information to the MAP, including
the MAP IP address and netmask, and default gateway.
If the manually assigned IP information is incorrect, the MAP uses DHCP
to obtain its IP address.
Examples — The following command configures MAP 1 to use IP
address with a 24-bit netmask, and use as its
default gateway:
WX4400# set ap 1 boot-configuration ip netmask gateway
success: change accepted.