
M IP and MAC Filters control access to the KN2108 / KN2116 based on the
IP and/or MAC addresses of the computers attempting to connect. A
maximum of 100 IP filters and 100 MAC filters are allowed. To enable IP
and/or MAC filtering, Click to put a check mark in the IP Filter Enable
and/or MAC Filter Enable checkbox.
M If the include button is checked, all the addresses within the filter range
are allowed access; all other addresses are denied access.
M If the exclude button is checked, all the addresses within the filter range
are denied access; all other addresses are allowed access.
M To add a filter, Click New. A dialog box similar to the one below appears:
Note: Each IP filter can consist of a single address, or a range of
addresses. To filter a single IP address, key in the same address in
both the From and To fields. To filter a continuous range of IP
addresses, key in the start of the range in the From field; key in
the end of the range in the To field.
After you specify the filter addresses, Click OK.
M To delete a filter, select it and Click Remove.
M To modify a filter, select it and Click Edit. The Edit dialog box is similar
to the New dialog box. When it comes up, simply delete the old address
and replace it with the new one.
Chapter 3. Administration