
Gamma Adjustment:
If it is necessary to correct the gamma level for the remote video display, use
the Gamma function of the Video Adjustment dialog box.
Under Basic configuration, there are 7 preset levels to choose from. Drop
down the list box and choose the most suitable one.
For greater control, clicking the Advanced button brings up the following
dialog box:
M Click and drag the diagonal line at as many points as you wish to achieve
the display output you desire.
M Click Save As to save up to four configurations derived from this method.
Saved configurations can be recalled from the list box at a future time.
M Click Reset to abandon any changes and return the gamma line to its
original diagonal position.
M Click OK to save your changes and close the dialog box.
M Click Cancel to abandon your changes and close the dialog box.
KN2018 / KN2116 User Manual