Port Name
To help remember which computer is attached to a particular port, every port
can be given a name. This field allows the Administrator to create, modify, or
delete port names.
To Edit a port name:
1. Select the port you want to edit.
2. Click Edit.
The dialog box changes, and the Port Name entry field becomes active:
3. Key in the new Port Name, or modify/delete the old one.
The maximum number of characters allowed for the Port Name is 19.
Legal characters include:
M All alpha characters: a - z; A - Z
M All numeric characters: 0 - 9
M + - / : . and Space
Case does not matter; the OSD displays the Port Name in all capitals no
matter how they were keyed in.
4. When you have finished editing the port name, Click Update. To
abandon your editing changes, Click Cancel..
KN2018 / KN2116 User Manual