Installation 4−9
PB60019−01 Octel 200/300 S.4.1
Table 4-2 Input Power Requirements
Power Consumption (watts)
Octel 200 Octel 300
Base cabinet 125 150
4-port line card 10 10
8-port line card 15 15
16-port line card 15 15
Fax Application Processor 30 30
LAN card 20 20
Voice/system disk drive 25 25
Works for Serenadet disk 20 20
EntryWorks ACP card 20 20
. The base cabinet includes a VCU and CPU, a floppy disk drive, fans, and PSU. All voice/system
disk drives require the same amount of power, regardless of their storage capacity.
The following example for an Octel 300 message server shows the calculation of the input power
requirements for an 8-port message server equipped with two 4-port line cards, one integration card, and
two voice/system disk drives:
Base cabinet 150 W
Two 4-port line cards 20 W
One integration card 10 W
Two voice/system disk drives 50 W
Total input power
230 W
Total volt-ampere rating (1.5 x 230) 345 VA
Round the total-input power value and the total volt-ampere rating up to the next multiple of 50,
producing the values to be used to select a suitable power source:
Total continuous input power requirement is 250 watts and 350 VA.
Isolation Transformer
For installation sites that could experience power-line transients from lightning or power switching, the
use of an isolation transformer is recommended. A dedicated isolation transformer must be rated at the
- 750 VA or greater is required for the Octel 200.
- 1000 VA or greater is required for the Octel 300.
Uninterruptible Power Supply
If an uninterruptible power supply (UPS) is used, depending on the configuration of the Octel 200/300, a
UPS must be rated up to the following:
- 750 VA is required for the Octel 200.
- 1400 VA is required for the Octel 300.