2-18 Installation and Maintenance Volume
Octel 200/300 S.4.1
Table 2-3 Octel 200/300 Subsystems (continued)
Subsystem Configurations DescriptionPart Number
United States, Canada,
300-6002-001 4-port, two-wire, loopstart telephone line
interface card (LIC4); 4 ports authorized.
300-6032-001 8-port, two-wire, loopstart telephone line
interface card (LIC8); 8 ports authorized.
300-6054-001 16-port, loopstart telephone line interface card
(DLC16); 0 ports authorized.
United Kingdom 300-6002-002 4-port, two-wire, loopstart telephone line
interface card; 4 ports authorized.
300-6032-002 8-port, two-wire, loopstart telephone line
interface card; 8 ports authorized.
300-6056-002 12-port, loopstart telephone line interface card
(ILC12); 0 ports authorized.
300-6054-002* 16-port, telephone line interface card; 0 ports
France, Belgium 300-6044-001 4-port, two-wire, loopstart telephone line
interface card; 4 ports authorized.
300-6054-017* 16-port, loopstart telephone line interface card
(DLC16); 0 ports authorized.
Germany 300-6044-005 4-port, two-wire, loopstart telephone line
interface card; 4 ports authorized.
300-6054-013* 16-port, loopstart telephone line interface card
(DLC16); 0 ports authorized.
Netherlands 300-6002-009
4-port, two-wire, loopstart telephone line
interface card; 4 ports authorized.
8-port, two-wire, loopstart telephone line
interface card; 8 ports authorized.
300-6054-009 16-port, loopstart telephone line interface card
(DLC16); 0 ports authorized.
New Zealand, Australia 300-6002-011
4-port, two-wire, loopstart telephone line
interface card; 4 ports authorized.
8-port, two-wire, loopstart telephone line
interface card; 8 ports authorized.
*The country-specific DLC16 cards have been replaced with a more universal DLC16 analog card (CTR−21, part
number 300-6054-019). This card is authorized for use in Germany, C.I.S. countries, Italy, Spain, Portugal and
Sweden. Consult with your Account Executive for country-specific information.