Quick Reference Guide
Octel 200/300
Maintenance Commands
Octel 200/300 S.4.1PB60019−01
Baud Rate BAUD Displays the current baud rate setting. The
available baud rates are 300, 600, 1200, 2400,
4800, 9600, 19200 and 38400.
Data Fields BITTST x Converts hardware error data fields into bit sets.
x = hexadecimal number.
Connect to card
or software
CONNECT x Connect to card in specified slot.
CONNECT VCU Connect to VCU software.
CONNECT LAN Connect to LAN software.
Message Purge CPURGE Cancels message purge if it is in progress,
regardless of whether it was initiated automatically
or by the APURGE command. Asks for
confirmation before cancelling message purge.
Message Block MBLOCK x y Blocks a message from being played. It prevents a
mailbox holder from starting to play, or replay, the
message after it is blocked.
x = message header number
y = indicates that the message is to be blocked.
Message Purge MPURGE x Deletes the message from every mailbox it was
sent to except if it was forwarded or sent over the
x = message header number
Digital Networking DCSTAT [x] For Digital Networking, this command displays the
status of the digital networking channels. You can
specify the status of all digital networking
channels, a specific channel, or a range.