Installation and Maintenance Manual Master Index In-11
Octel 200/300 S.4.1PB60019-01
RS-232C cable, 4−13
terminal, 4−13
software, 4−24–4−25
installation, tracking, 4−38
Installation checklist
AT&T Definity G3 Adaptive Integration,
AT&T System 75 Adaptive Integration,
AT&T System 85 Adaptive Integration,
ITT 3100 Adaptive Integration, 9-16–9-19
Meridian 1 Adaptive Integration, 11-39–11-45
Mitel SX-2000 Adaptive Integration,
ROLM 9751 Adaptive Integration, 8.2-33–8.2-35
ROLM Adaptive Integration, 8.1-34–8.1-36
SL-1 Adaptive Integration, 6-35–6-41
Installation problems, digital networking, 8−64
Installation requirements, MD110, 14−8–14−9
Installing connector blocks, 4−27
Installing Integration Cards, 9-15
Installing LAN card, 11-2
Intecom PBX, Adaptive Integration, 4-1
activity log, 7-15
DPNSS, 15-1–15-3
update, 6-36
Integration calling statistics report, 5-35–5-36
Integration card, 2-8
replacement, 9-14–9-15
Intercept, position, INSTALL program, 1-17
Intercept extension, test, 4−36
Interface, cable, 4−14
Internal modem, 4−17–4−18
baud rate, 4−17
International line interface card, (ILIC), 2-6
Internet addresses
background information, 11A-1–11A-5,
digital networking, 8−26
using UPDATE, 8−26
Internet MIB-II standard, SNMP, 11B-2
InWATS (1-800) services, 3-6
IP addresses
See also Internet addresses
special (reserved), 11A-2
ISDN Integration, 16-1
DTIC Card, 16-1
Information Table, 16-3
Installing the DTIC, 16-5
message server configuration, 16-3
Slots Table, 16-3
status commands, 16-9
system parameters used, 16-3
Testing the installation, 16-6
trace, 16-11
troubleshooting, 16-9
Isolation transformer, 4−9
ISTAT command, 6-11
ITT 3100 Adaptive Integration, 9-1–9-19
call records, 9-14
Called Party Identification, 9-1
functional considerations, 9-3
hardware requirements, 9-5
installation, 9-12
data cable pinouts, 9-13
data link cable connection, 9-12
installation checklist, 9-16–9-19
ITT 3100 configuration, 9-7
access codes and keys, 9-7
line card, 9-7
link, 9-7
Message Waiting Indication, 9-1
multilevel forwarding, 9-3
Overture 200/300 configuration, 9-10
Message Waiting Indication, 9-10
PBX configuration, extension requirements, 9-6
PBX requirements, 9-5–9-6
sequential forwarding, 9-3
software requirements, 9-6
LAN, status, 11-9
LAN card, 2-7, 11-1
hardware, 11-1
installing, 9-16
installing, 11-5, 11-11
removing, 9-16
replacement, 9-16–9-18
system parameters, 11-3
taking out of service, 11-11
testing, 11-7
LAN network problems, troubleshooting, 8−64
LAN status, test, 6-6
LAN troubleshootiing, CMD PING command, 6-28
LANG command, 6-11
Languages, upgrade procedure, 12-70–12-74
LANSTAT command, 6-12, 11-8
digital networking, 6-25
LCSTAT command, digital networking, 8−52
LED, on the LAN card, 11-6
LIC. See Line Interface Card
Line 1, test diagnostics, 6-35