In-16 Installation and Maintenance Manual Master Index
Octel 200/300 S.4.1 PB60019-01
Namesend activity trace log, 7-40
NAMESEND command, digital networking, 8−15
Namesend feature, digital networking, 8−13–8−18
configuration, 8−13–8−15
NAMESTAT command, digital networking, 8−52
NEAX-2400 Adaptive Integration, 5-1–5-17
application delays, 5-8
Called Party Identification, 5-2
data link, 5-9
installation, 5-9
checklist, 5-14
limitations, 5-3
MCI call records, 5-11
MCI operation, 5-1
Message Center Interface, 5-1
Message Waiting Indication, 5-1
Overture 200/300 configuration, 5-6–5-8
Called Party Identification, 5-7
Message Waiting Indication, 5-6
PBX configuration, 5-4–5-5
extension requirements, 5-4
MCI feature, 5-4
NEAX-2400 line cards, 5-4
NEC Adaptive Integration. See NEAX−2400 Adaptive
NETNAM DELETE command, Network Name
Confirmation, 9−7
NETNAM LIST command, Network Name
Confirmation, 9−4
NETNAM program, Network Name Confirmation,
NETNAM RENUM command, Network Name
Confirmation, 9−7
NETNAM UPDATE command, Network Name
Confirmation, 9−5
NETNAM UPDATE commands, Network Name
Confirmation, 9−5
Network error types and remedies, digital networking,
Network Failure Table, 2−42, 4−20, 17, 6−23, 8−53
CLEAR command, 6-4
Network location name, NUMBERING PLAN Table,
12−3, 12−9, 12−13
Network mailbox length, 12−10, 12−14
NUMBERING PLAN Table, 12−2, 12−3, 12−14
Network mailbox status, 6-23
Network message delivery schedule, 2−17
Network Name Confirmation, 9−1–9−9
automatic purge, 9−1
how to modify Network Names Table, 9−3
how to set up, 9−2
how to use Network Names table, 9−3–9−7
NETNAM DELETE command, 9−7
NETNAM LIST command, 9−4
NETNAM program, 9−3
NETNAM RENUM command, 9−7
NETNAM UPDATE command, 9−5
NETNAM UPDATE commands, 9−5
wildcard characters, 9−3
Network name retrieval, 9−8
Network Names. See Network Name Confirmation
Network operation
collocated analog networking, 7−3–7−5
remote analog networking, 2−19–2−26
Network reports
Digital Network Performance Report, 5-14–5-17,
digital networking, 8−65–8−71
Network Traffic Report, digital information,
NETWORK SCHEDULE Table, 13−1–13−7
considerations when configuring, 13−3
how to configure, 13−3
how to use, 13−2
message delivery window, 13−1
message priority level, 13−1
non−overlapping window, 13−3
overlapping window, 13−3
using UPDATE, 13−4
Network summary information form, sample
Protocol 2, 4−7
Protocol 4, 5
Protocol 5, 6−7
Protocols 1 and 3, 3−8
Network test, digital networking, 8−44–8−48
TEST LAN command, 8−44–8−48
Network Traffic Report, 2−44
digital information, 8−65–8−67
Networking, 1-13
See also AMIS; Collocated analog networking;
Collocated digital networking; Digital
networking; OctelNet; Remote analog
networking; Remote digital networking;
blocking live network calls, 3−5
Digital, maintenance and troubleshooting
CMD PING command, 6-28
DCSTAT command, 6-28
FINDMBOX command, 6-26
LANSTAT command, 6-25
digital, 8−1–8−71
location activity log, 7-14
location test, 6-6
multiple network prefixes per location, 2−35
network traffic report, 5-17–5-22
overview, 1−1–1−7
digital, 1−7