174 FSN Series • User’s Guide • Rev 01
5. Menu Orientation
Memory Menu
The Memory Menu enables you to manage your memory registers. This includes the
ability to view, name, lock and delete registers, plus the ability to enable or disable Memory
Modules, and the sub-sections within each module called “
Enables.” Remember, however,
that the storage and recall modes can only be entered by pressing
the control panel.
Memory Menu includes two different screens:
• The Memory Menu itself provides a table of all 1000 memory registers. Refer to
the “
Memory Menu Description” section on page 176 for details.
• The Enables Menu provides a close-up view of one register only, and all of its
associated Enables. Refer to the “
Enables Menu Description” section on
page 178 for details.
The term “
Memory Modules” itself refers to the eight yellow buttons in the control panel’s
Memory Section, and the corresponding columns in the Memory Menu’s table of registers.
These buttons select the large categories of switcher functions to be included in the
selected store or recall operation.
There are three modes in which both of the menus described above can be used:
• In the View Mode, you can look at all memory registers, name registers, and view
the status of all modules and Enables. You cannot modify the modules or Enables
within a register, but you can lock registers and delete registers.
• In the Store Mode, you can name registers, modify modules and Enables, but you
cannot lock or delete registers.
• In the Recall Mode, you can modify modules and Enables, but only those that
were initially stored. You cannot name, lock or delete registers.
The table below summarizes the functions you can perform in each mode:
The following topics are discussed in this section:
• Memory Menu Access
• Memory Menu Description
• Enables Menu Description
• Selecting Registers
• Naming Registers
• Advanced Memory Functions
M/E 1
M/E 2
Table 5-2. Memory Menu modes and functions
Memory Menu
Modules Enables
View Yes View Only View Only Yes Yes
Store Yes Modify Modify No No
Recall No Modify Modify No No